What do you want to achieve? What would be a huge deal for you? What would make you happy?


This can be as small as setting a goal to do a relaxing activity every week for the next month, getting into a good sleep routine, or as huge as training for a marathon or writing a book…whatever you want to achieve make a plan and work towards it.


Having goals and seeing how you are able to commit to something, achieve it and then celebrate it helps with feeling worthy, it helps me feel as if I am participating in society and that I am still able to be useful. I like to  make personal and work goals. My personal ones give me so much satisfaction. I am helping to make my life better, I am in control and I am not just letting my life happen to me.


I have weekly, monthly, yearly and 3 and 5 year goals. I have a treats/rewards list for when I meet my goals, (or if I think I’ve just tried really hard and the goal just isn’t going to happen for me)


Set your goal, break it down into smaller pieces and figure out how long this is going to take you. SMART goals are always the best as you’re more likely to achieve something if you have a proper plan.

S – Specific – Keep breaking it down until you can’t question it anymore

M – Measurable – Can you tell when you’ve achieved it?

A – Agreed upon – Can you actually do this? Do your health care team agree?

R – Realistic – Do you have access to the resources/knowledge/time that you’ll need?

T – Timebound – Set yourself a timescale thats challenging but realistic

You can also add in and ER to make a SMARTER goal which I like:

E- Ethical – Does the goal fit with your values and morals?

R – Review – Set a date to review the goal and assess how you’re doing along the way as well as once you’ve achieved it.

Then you get to CELEBRATE!!! Be proud of yourself and shout it from the rooftops!!! Tell me through social media and the Amazing Stick Girl team will be your cheerleaders!


Here’s a worksheet that might help you when you’re planning, tracking and celebrating your goals.


Vic xx